It regulates perspiration, brings shine to dark or red hair, and acts against gum inflammation. it really deserves our attention. To find out more, see page 93 of André Bitsas' Guide to Hydrosols.
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Internally and externally, remarkable circulatory stimulant. Internally, contributes to detoxification and weight loss - alone or in combination with HAs of carrot, rosemary verbenone, juniper.
As an energy drink on the physical and mental levels: chronic fatigue, immune weakness, etc. Regulator of perspiration (due to an imbalance in the SNA).
As a facial lotion: skin tonic, as an anti-wrinkle and anti-aging treatment.
As a hair lotion to stop hair loss. Used alone on dark or red hair: adds shine. As a mouthwash in case of gum sensitivity, alone or in combination with immortelle HA. Internally, its use is not recommended for pregnant women during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Also not recommended for people suffering from hypertension.
Internal use: 1 to 2 tablespoons in 1 liter of water.
Precautions: not recommended during the 3rd months of pregnancy. Not recommended for people suffering from hypertension.